1. Father’s Day Plump-Sweet Cherries
Father's Day Plump-Sweet Cherries
Express two-day shipping is included on this gift. Only standard shipping and processing charges will apply. Please note: To avoid weekend transit, orders placed after 10AM PT / 1 PM ET on Wednesday will ship on Monday of the following week.
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available to ship june 10 2024

  • Approx. 88-110 Plump-Sweet Cherries (2 lb)
  • Net Weight: 2 lb


Plump-Sweet Cherries boast a slightly crisp skin on the outside and are incredibly sweet and juicy on the inside, so with every bite into one of these ruby-red cherries, you'll notice a delightful crunch and a burst of flavor. Each cherry is handpicked at the peak of perfection and packaged with extra care to ensure freshness.

Father's Day Plump-Sweet Cherries are only available the week before Father's Day.